Model & Strategy

BetaBox is an educational technology company that provides hands-on STEM experiences through mobile learning labs and onsite field trips. They specialize in engaging students with cutting-edge technology like autonomous vehicles, drones, robotics, and 3D printing. Their innovative programs combine practical experimentation with discussions about ethics, career opportunities, and real-world applications of technology. Through guided sessions, students get direct experience programming drones, operating robot cars, and interacting with advanced robotics.

Model & Strategy

BetaBox is an educational technology company that provides hands-on STEM experiences through mobile learning labs and onsite field trips, engaging students with cutting-edge technology like autonomous vehicles, drones, robotics, and 3D printing. 

Our Impact

Vela evaluated BetaBox's "Spark" mobile lab program, assessing its impact on students' STEM knowledge through surveys, focus groups, and teacher interviews.

Our Impact

Vela evaluated BetaBox's "Spark" mobile lab program, assessing its impact on students' STEM knowledge through surveys, focus groups, and teacher interviews.


The report was set up to answer the following questions:

1. How does BetaBox’s mobile lab experience impact students’ STEM knowledge and competency?

2. How does the experience influence students’ STEM identity and career interests?

3. What aspects of the mobile lab experience are most effective and engaging for students?