Model & Strategy
Washington was awarded a state GEAR UP grant in September of 2017 by the U.S. Department of Education. This 7-year program is a discretionary grant program that supports efforts to increase the number of low-income students that obtain a secondary school diploma and prepare for and succeed in postsecondary education. The Washington GEAR UP State Grant (WAGU) served 3,959 students across 31 GEAR UP schools who graduated in 2023 through a range of services offered to students and families including tutoring, mentoring, counseling and advising, college visits, workshops, and family events.
Our Impact
Vela helped demonstrate WAGU's impact by conducting a study to explore the relationship between GEAR UP services and key college access outcomes.
Our Impact
Vela helped demonstrate WAGU's impact by conducting a study to explore the relationship between GEAR UP services and key college access outcomes.
The report was set up to answer the following questions:
1. What percentage of WAGU Students…
- Completed FAFSA?
- Enrolled in postsecondary education in the fall following high school graduation?
- Participated in Dual Enrollment while in high school?
- Were students who participated in dual enrollment more likely to enroll in postsecondary education the fall following high school graduation?
2. Were students who participated in more WAGU service more likely to…
- Complete FAFSA?
- Enroll in postsecondary education in the fall immediately after high school graduation?
3. Was participation in specific WAGU services associated with an increased likelihood of…
- Completing FAFSA?
- Enrolling in postsecondary education in the fall following high school graduation?